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Philosophical Consultancy is a private session that takes place between the couselee and the philosophical consultant. It is one of confidentiality, and rests in absolute trust and transparency. Having an objective and professional confidant is beneficial in itself since it functions something like a refuge or sanctuary where a client can completely let go of all inhibitions, like guilt and socially acceptable standards of thought and behaviour, and share the burdens she silently, yet restlessly, carries.















There are two fundamental ways that philosophical consultancy engages in dialogue. The first concerns reasoning skills and aims to identify faulty thought patterns, false beliefs, and an ambiguous use of terms in the articulation of one's beliefs. The benefit of this is clarity of thought, rejection of false and problematic beliefs, and a thoughtful understanding of terms previously inherited unthinkingly.


The second concerns challenging rigidly held perspectives and freeing one of the burden and torment that often accompanies these. Often times clients come thinking that they have a (serious) problem only to discover that (part of) the problem is that "problem" or carrying around a burdensome and evaluative label.














Consider an example...


An example is ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) which is considerd to be a weighty "illness" by most. And yet, if one were to take the time to think matters through one might wonder what it means to actually classify a group of symptoms as demonstrative of ADD? One might further question why indeed the classic symptom, attention deficit, is actually a problem or when and where it shows up. Some experts have argued that ADD is prevalent today because of the very structured and unvaried lives that people are "forced" to live. For someone who has difficulty attending to timeframes, agendas, and the like, this would be seriously burdensome, if not impossible. Yet, take them out of such structured environments where there is variability, a quick-paced and exciting and creative energy that surrounds their daily lives and the symptoms of ADD magically subside. Are these people still "sick", do they still suffer from a "pathology"? Hard to tell now, isn't it. Once clients acquire a new perpsective on their "problem" they feel uninhibited; a weight is lifted and the the anxiety and unhappiness previously experienced subsides.


The Benefits of Philosophical Consultancy:


  • ​relieves anxiety

  • offers a new spin on evaluative perspectives

  • provides a sanctuary or refuge to unburden oneself

  • helps you acquire greater insight and understanding of your loved ones

  • helps you better understand and accept yourself

  • fosters confidence

  • provides clarity with regards to events that have befallen you

  • clarifies faulty reasoning

  • alters troublesome behaviour

  • helps resolve moral dilemmas

  • improves communication skills

Workshops are interactive group activities that aim to generate discussion around a particular topic of interest in response to prompts and the expressed opinions of members of the group. Respectful decorum and respectful treatmemt of all members irrespective of opinions expressed is expected at all times.


The Benefits of Workshops:


  • cultivate respectful communication even amongst dissenters

  • challenges entrenched assumptions 

  • cultivates out-of-the-box thinking

  • develops self-reflection and better understanding of oneself

  • develops a more thoughtful appreciation of alternative perspectives

  • develops critical skills

  • fosters new ways of thinking and behaving

  • offers greater opportunity to engage others



Seminars are group activities that aim to foster understanding and impart knowledge through the consideration of a topic, philosophical problematic, or thinker. As with workshops respectful decorum is expected at all times. 


Benefits of Seminars:


  • develops critical skills of reasoning

  • fosters novel ways of thinking about issues and reknowned scholars

  • cultivates a more openminded perspective

  • incites inquisitiveness

  • fleshes out hidden and troublesome assumptions

  • assists in the clarification of ambiguous and sometimes high-minded ideas

  • develops confidence and assertiveness

  • helps think through some of the BIG questions of life

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